Participate & Get Involved

Since 2011, the projects on Tempelhofer Feld have promoted the development of the field, created attractive leisure and recreational facilities or implemented new entrepreneurial, social and cultural ideas. This has come about in a special way through the commitment of citizens as well as initiatives and organisations. On this page you will find, among other things, information on the application process, a form for submitting projects and documents on projects on the Tempelhofer Feld.


Submit project idea for Tempelhofer Feld

You would like to volunteer for the common good and have an idea that promises added value for the Tempelhofer Feld, its users - and of course for you? Then apply with your project idea! The deadline for submitting project ideas is 30 September each year.

What is a civic engagement project?

  • As a civic engagement project, the project goals should be oriented towards the common good and not towards material gain.
  • The commitment of those active in the project work is primarily on a voluntary basis (e.g. honorary office).
  • Civic engagement projects are characterised by a high degree of transparency, dialogue, participation and responsibility in the organisational forms ("living democracy").
  • With their offers, they promote commitment to the general public and strengthen civil society in assuming social responsibility.

How does the application process work?

New project ideas for the following season can be submitted until 30 September each year. After the application deadline, the committees of the cooperation model anchored in the Development and Maintenance Plan (EPP) discuss the project ideas received: the field coordination discusses the applications and then recommends their respective implementation to the field forum, if necessary. The project ideas recommended for implementation are then advised and accompanied by Grün Berlin on the basis of the framework conditions specific to the location (e.g. EPP and ThFG) in their concretisation in terms of content, obtaining the necessary approvals until they are ready for implementation. As the contractual partner of the projects, Grün Berlin also concludes the necessary utilisation contracts with the respective project managers (individuals or legal entities).

Interested citizens as well as initiatives and organisations have a number of options at their disposal for submitting project ideas by 30 September each year: during an annual project exchange in spring, there is the opportunity to network with projects already active on the Tempelhofer Feld and other Tempelhofer Feld actors, to get to know each other and to learn from each other. The summer months can be used to deepen the project idea. If necessary, mentors are placed at the side of the idea generators in order to activate the existing knowledge of the THF actors quickly and unbureaucratically. Two further thematically bundled consultation appointments enable an early preliminary examination of the project concepts for feasibility with regard to the guidelines of the EPP and the legal basis according to the ThFG.

Overview of the application process for civic engagement projects during the year:

Projects on the Tempelhofer Feld usually run for at least one year and are limited to a maximum of 5 years. Offers with shorter durations (e.g. one-off events or offers with a short seasonal duration such as holiday offers, etc.) can be submitted under the heading Events.

To submit your project idea, please use the application form below this segment.

We will be happy to contact you after receiving your idea.

You can also find further information on this page in the downloads section.

For commercial offers subject to a fee in accordance with EPP, please contact service(at)

Project submission application form

Contact information

Information about the project idea

Implementation concept with information on

Supplementary project information (max. two pages / max. 5 MB) can be attached to the application form. The files must be smaller than 5 MB. Permissible file extensions: pdf.

Further project information
Please note: According to the ThFG, fixed "structural installations" can only be approved as (demountable) "mobile structures" (e.g. tents and stages) with a maximum duration of 6 months.

Data Protection Information

* mit Stern gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder.


Hendrik Brauns

Projektmanager Tempelhofer Feld