Service & Info

What are the opening hours of Tempelhofer Feld?

The opening hours of the Tempelhofer Feld are regulated according to the seasons. After the end of the opening hours, the entrances are closed and the Tempelhofer Feld can only be left through the revolving gates at the main entrances.

To the opening hours

Can I still get out of Tempelhofer Feld after the end of opening hours?

Yes, after the end of the opening hours the Tempelhofer Feld can be left through the revolving gates at a total of four entrances (main entrance Tempelhofer Damm, main entrance Columbiadamm, main entrance Oderstraße/Herrfurthstraße, entrance Oderstraße/Crashgate).

Where are the entrances to Tempelhofer Feld?

Tempelhofer Feld is conveniently located and very easy to reach by bus, S-Bahn and U-Bahn. There are almost no parking spaces, so visitors should use public transport.

To the entrances

Is there anything to eat and drink on Tempelhofer Feld?

On the former airfield, a variety of year-round and seasonal offers, from coffee bikes and waffles to snacks, cater to the physical well-being of visitors.

To the gastronomic offers

Can I barbecue on Tempelhofer Feld?

You can barbecue your own food on a total of three barbecue sites. Please note: Barbecuing is only permitted in the three designated areas and there are some rules to be observed.

To the Barbecue Rules

How can I register an event on Tempelhofer Feld?

Please note that events on the Tempelhofer Feld are subject to approval and, according to § 7 (1) of the law for the preservation of the Tempelhofer Feld (ThFG), are only permitted on the Outer Meadow Ring. Please use our form to register an event on the Tempelhofer Feld.

To the event form

How can I submit a new project idea for the Tempelhofer Feld?

You would like to volunteer for the common good and have an idea that promises added value for the Tempelhofer Feld, its users - and of course for you? Then apply via our form with your project idea! The deadline for submitting project ideas is 30 September each year.

To the Project form

How can I participate in an existing civic project on the Tempelhofer Feld?

Since 2011, the projects on the Tempelhofer Feld have complemented the recreational offerings in a variety of ways from a cultural and social perspective. We have compiled an overview of all projects and contact information for them on our page "Civic engagement projects".

To the Project Overview

May I take my dog onto the Tempelhofer Feld?

Of course, dogs may be brought onto the Tempelhofer Feld. However, dogs and other animals must be kept on a leash. Dogs can be let off the leash and let off steam in three fenced-off dog exercise areas. Dog owners are requested to dispose of dog excrement in litter bins.

Please note: The Tempelschlucht nature experience area at the south-eastern entrance to Tempelhofer Feld is reserved for children, who can experience nature with all their senses there, and is not a dog exercise area!

The dog walking areas are marked on our park map.

To the Park Map

Can I ride a bike, windsurf, inline skate or do other mobile sports on Tempelhofer Feld?

Whether it's cycling, skating, Segway, windsports, pedalos, go-karting, basketball, table tennis, football or boules - Tempelhofer Feld offers open space and numerous opportunities for sports enthusiasts. When practising all sports, general consideration for others is particularly important. The regulations for the use of Tempelhofer Feld stipulate that pedestrians and slow-moving activities have priority over other uses. In particular, athletes engaged in fast-moving sports (e.g. skating, cycling, wind sports in general) are obliged to show special consideration for other visitors.

to the Sports Offers

Can I fly a drone on Tempelhofer Feld?

For commercial photography and filming on the Tempelhofer Feld, permission from Grün Berlin is required. For the use of photographs for commercial purposes, a subject agreement must be concluded with Grün Berlin. Please use our form for your request.

To the Motif Rental

Can I participate in the development of Tempelhofer Feld as a citizen?

The development of Tempelhofer Feld was and still is primarily in the hands of the people of Berlin. With the development and maintenance plan (EPP) for the Tempelhofer Feld, a permanent participation model was also developed. The pillars of the participation model are field coordination, thematic workshops and field forums.

To the participation page

Will the Tempelhofer Feld be developed further? What is currently happening on the Feld?

The development and maintenance plan (EPP), which was worked out together with the citizens, provides the framework for the development of the Tempelhofer Feld. The main focus is on measures to create and secure barrier-free access, the redesign and increase of the efficiency of the entrance areas and the qualified development of recreational, leisure and sports facilities in the peripheral areas of Tempelhofer Feld.

To the current measures

Why is the Tempelhofer Feld not built on or designed more architecturally?

In a referendum in 2014, the people of Berlin voted against building on the edges of the Tempelhofer Feld and in favour of preserving it in its current state. As a result, the "Law for the Preservation of Tempelhofer Feld" (ThFG) came into force in June 2014, which defines the purpose of protection and the preservation goals. The corridors of action for the further development of Tempelhofer Feld were defined in the Development and Maintenance Plan (EPP).

About the development

Where/How can I learn more about the history of Tempelhofer Feld?

The history of Tempelhofer Feld, whose name refers to an order seat of the "Knights Templar", goes back to the 13th century. An information path with texts and historical pictures marks 20 places of remembrance and commemoration and introduces visitors to stations in the history of Tempelhofer Feld.

To the History Trail